25 Days to Green Travel: Day Twenty-Three - Souvenirs

How to Find Sustainable Souvenirs

Here’s what to look for in an eco-conscious souvenir:

Locally produced. Support the people who live in the country you’re visiting. Buy local crafts, like earrings from a native jeweler. Plus, the further your souvenir travels to get to you, the greater impact it has on the environment.

From a locally-owned business. Support the local economy by opting to get your souvenirs from locally-owned shops or street stands.

Made from sustainable materials. Avoid rare wood that may have been un-sustainably harvested and animal parts since they may have come from an endangered or might have been poached.

Something the region is known for. Get your friends something they can’t find at home. The Marie Sharp’s hot sauce and jelly I bought in Belize were big hits.
Lightweight and small. The heavier something is, the more resources it burns reaching its final destination. The lightest gift I’ve found was a locally-produced papyrus painting in Egypt.
This is the twenty-third post in Go Green Travel Green’s 25 Days to Green Travel series. You can see the complete list of articles in the 25 Days to Green Travel Index
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