A Married Mom's Dating Life

Let me preface....This is not an original concept.

I've heard it once.....I don't remember where.....

But it really hit home and is so very true.

When you become a new mom and you don't have a strong circle of female friends around......or let's say that you do, but they are not in that same stage of life as you.....friendships are difficult to obtain.

It's true, right?

I've tried moms group after moms group.....online....libraries.....anywhere where I knew that moms would be. I was there looking for friends....even just one.

I'm not saying that I don't have any, but the truth is, is that the ones that I do have do not have babies around Noah's age, which makes it difficult.

The point of this blog ..... Let me get to it.

Don't you feel like you're dating again?

Excuse me....

You have a beautiful baby...

Thank you...

How old?....



Can I get your number?

It's like picking up other moms!!!!

I just think its funny.

And in picking up other moms, you do find them in the most random places - for me - the library worked, so did someone else's church and even at my veterinarian's office!

I always hating the dating game and I thought it would end when I got married....who knew! LOL.

Thought I would share and see if anyone else feels like this sometimes :)

Your married, but "dating" Mom ~ Melanie


Tree said…
LOL I love this post, Melanie! And it's very true. It seems that most of your girlfriends aren't on the same wave length as you once you're married with kids. I've been a message board nut for years, and now blogging. I think we all go through this at one time or another.
Happy Gramma said…
That's a great idea!

I am tagging along on Tag-along Tuesday! Please come visit me and enter my giveaway for the beautiful baby book. Hurry! the contest ends tomorrow!
Ha! I've never thought of it like that before but I know what you mean.
Sarah said…
I have the same problem, but opposite! I am around lots of people, but with NO kids - so our priorities are strikingly different.
Allie said…
It is seriously like you took the words right out of my mouth! I feel the same exact way! I wish it was easier and NOT so awkward! haha

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