The Trials of a Sippy Cup

Noah is nearly 6 months old and we have been trying to get him used to a sippy cup.

He is actually doing quite well! He knew to hold the handles and bring it to his mouth.

Just need to learn the tip back now!


Unknown said…
He is adorable! Babies are fun :)
I am a Mom too.
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Remodelaholic said…
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Jennifer said…
Hey there! Nice to meet you; thanks for following and best to you and your beautiful family. I hope to hear from you again in your comments. :) p.s. I'm a follower!
Jennifer Henderson
My daughter is also learning how to use a sippy cup! She does not quite get it yet!!
Sarah said…
It took Adrian a while before he figured out how to tip the sippy cup back...I think it was when he was close to 10 months old. Same with Lucas. They eventually got it, but it was sort of frustrating for a while!
SOOOOO cute! =) I love all of those little milestones. Precious!

Following you from Mom Loop! Thanks for stopping by my blog too!
bestsippycup said…
It took my son forever to figure out how to use a sippy cup. He could tip it back but he couldn't quite figure out how to get the liquid out. I thought he would never figure it out until I tried the Nuby sippy cup for a couple weeks. Then before I knew it he was a sippy cup pro. By the way, your son is a cutie!
A Mom Writing said…
We are having an interesting experience with the sippy cup over here, too. Our little guy is getting close to 7 months old, and he holds the cup and sort of sucks and chews, but he doesn't tilt it up at all.
Your little one looks adorable in those overalls!

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