Boon Catch Bowl Review

The Boon Toddler Catch Bowl is such an amazing BPA free product, designed for even the youngest of eaters....and Noah does one thing really well - EAT!
He is now only 8 months old and eats about 8 tablespoons of homemade baby food at each feeding, on top of his 2 tablespoons of organic cereal and formula. The perils of a growing boy!
Boon, Inc. was kind enough to send me an orange Toddler Catch Bowl to review with Noah. Of course, the one thing that immediately drew me to this product was that it was safe - BPA free, Phlalate Free and PVC free!
Although Noah is still too small to truly benefit from ALL of the great features of this bowl, there were many that were so great! I loved the design of the bowl and the catch feature. I was able to catch a lot of the dribble and food that fell from his mouth ... before it destroyed the bib .... or became a toy to play with on the highchair!
Once he is a little older and is able to start feeding himself, the bowl is equipped with a radical suction cup on the bottom of the bowl to prevent the bowl from slipping....great for those early steps in learning how to feed themselves. I tried the suction, though, and I need to figure out how to make it adhere a little tighter to the highchair before I leave it unguarded from his little hands.
Finally, the material that the bowl is constructed with is extremely easy to clean! LOVE that part! I had no problem running it through the dishwasher, but will probably hand wash it from now on so that the integrity of the shape does not diminish.
Make sure to check out all the great safe products that Boon has to offer!
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