The Truth about Food Additives
I recently read an article from The Daily Green that discussed the amount of additives and chemicals that the average American consumes per year.
Would you believe that this number is 9 pounds! 9 pounds of harmful and
potentially life-altering chemicals that are added to our foods - so with that said - are you aware of what you are eating? Of where your food comes from?
Do you buy local? Do you buy organic? Do you buy seasonal?
Well....if you don' should. I don't all the time, but I try to as much as I can. Not only is it healthier, but it can help you lead better lives, lose weight and reduce your carbon footprint!
Let's take a look at food additives:
Just some food for thought!
I have to say that I feel skeptical of "organic" foods too. Do you know of any websites or sources where you can differentiate what's "truly" organic?
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You might also like a post that I wrote on this subject: And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Keep talking about it! The more people are made aware, the more chance we have of stopping this. People should come before profits!!