Green Your Toilet Paper - Over or Under?
Yes - I'm on Over kinda gal.
It actually irritates me when the rolls are the opposite way.
I have found proof that not only is rolling it over RIGHT, but eco-friendly too! Seriously!
I found this article over at
Green your Toilet Paper - Over is Better!
by Mark Ontkush, Boston, Massachusetts, USA on 07. 9.08
Current Configuration has put some thought into the poo-poo problem and has hit upon the solution - hanging the bog roll with the sheets coming over the top wastes less paper. The hand-made diagrams and flowery explanations are priceless, including the one on the oft-tried, seldom-successful one-handed tear.
Billed as the "cottony bedrock on which enjoyment rests in the restrooms of many nations", who can deny that they haven't at least tried the one-handed rip - if not out of expediency, then sheer desperation. Problem is, when that roll is sheet under, improper technique coupled with a low friction coefficient on the spindle will leave half the roll on the floor. If you are in a bathroom you frequent - friend or family - it's re-roll time; otherwise you're reaching under the stall or going commando. You know what I'm talkin' about, but it needn't have have happened - over is right, under is wrong. Go and sin no more. ::Current Configuration
See! I've been right all along!
LOOK! Recycled Toilet Paper!!! Click and read.
Now, this is interesting, I never considered it eco friendly:)
I would love it, if you would come visit me at Storytime Under the Stars.