Green Your Toilet Paper - Over or Under?

Yes - I'm on Over kinda gal.

It actually irritates me when the rolls are the opposite way.

I have found proof that not only is rolling it over RIGHT, but eco-friendly too!  Seriously!

I found this article over at

Green your Toilet Paper - Over is Better!

by Mark Ontkush, Boston, Massachusetts, USA  on 07. 9.08

how to hang a toilet paper roll

Current Configuration has put some thought into the poo-poo problem and has hit upon the solution - hanging the bog roll with the sheets coming over the top wastes less paper. The hand-made diagrams and flowery explanations are priceless, including the one on the oft-tried, seldom-successful one-handed tear.

how to tear toilet paper with one hand

Billed as the "cottony bedrock on which enjoyment rests in the restrooms of many nations", who can deny that they haven't at least tried the one-handed rip - if not out of expediency, then sheer desperation. Problem is, when that roll is sheet under, improper technique coupled with a low friction coefficient on the spindle will leave half the roll on the floor. If you are in a bathroom you frequent - friend or family - it's re-roll time; otherwise you're reaching under the stall or going commando. You know what I'm talkin' about, but it needn't have have happened - over is right, under is wrong. Go and sin no more. ::Current Configuration

See!  I've been right all along!

LOOK!  Recycled Toilet Paper!!!  Click and read.


SAPsMaMa said…
I never considered how I hang my toilet paper as eco-friendly, but glad I've done it the right way all along and can now have a reason why than that I just like it better that way! lol Thanks!
Unknown said…
Ohhhh... I love it when I am right! You know I will forward this to all those who are "under" peopel. Giggle. Thanks for confirming my opinion correct. giggle.

J Rodney said…
Hi There, I am you newest follower.

Now, this is interesting, I never considered it eco friendly:)

I would love it, if you would come visit me at Storytime Under the Stars.

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